Jonah McMullen

Game Docs, Short Stories, and More
Solo and Group Projects
Drawings and Concept Art
Game Music and Personal Pieces
Bio, Resume, Contact

Recent Additions
Chapter 1: The Songbird
Frail firelight stretched across the drawing room floor, over black brogues and stockings, grasping at coattails and gowns of ruffled satin. The sounds of revelry had softened as the night drew on, faces turned to shadow. In its place was a mix of bleary-eyed banter, slow music, wisecracks, and sweet whispers. In these late hours, people became simple shapes—too tipsy for false faces or tired courtesy. I had retired to the bar, hoping a glass or two might soften my edges as well…
Chapter 3: Leona
The sky flashed as cargo and debris tumbled in and out of sight. The wind rushed past as bursts of rain drew wild streaks against my visor. I didn’t hear a sound. A lifetime lay between each precious second. A bolt of lightning lit up the sky, and I spotted Rose’s splayed silhouette a hundred feet below. I tightened my form and felt the wind race past a bit faster. It wasn’t enough. I took a deep breath and clicked my heels—once—twice. The suit’s ankle thrusters ignited, and two cool jets sent me hurtling downward. The gap between us began to close rapidly—sixty feet, forty, twenty. We broke through the clouds…